Friday, 13 February 2009

Calibri Font Proves Letter was Fraudulent

CalibriI discovered this intriguing story over at the Office Rocker blog earlier:

“Lucille Hester who was accused of fraud after reading out her half brother’s supposed posthumous letter.  The letter said to be written by football star and former Olympic sprinter, Bob Hayes, was read out on national TV.  Later it was shown to be using Calibri – a font that didn’t exist before Office 2007 and wasn’t invented until 2003.  Hayes died in 2002.”


  1. Yeah, I thought so too, Andro. What do you think of my updated Valentines header? :-P

  2. I commented under another post (the one about the ghosts) ;)

  3. You're not keen on the panties and chocolate body paint then? I thought they were iconic valentine items. Shame! :-P

  4. Yea, but you could not have found a more hideous pair of panties, could you? I can just imagine you, sitting there, googling for 'pink thong' =D Sorry. :P

  5. As underwear goes, I thought it was rather tasteful... you know, in a distinctive kind of way. :-P

    Perhaps you're wearing something similar, eh ;-)

  6. I think your blog header is disgusting and not tasteful at all,
    I preferred the other pair that were up - AS SUGGESTED. You know who I am LA. ;-)

  7. Anonymous: I appreciate my header might not be to everyone's taste. It's just a bit of light-hearted valentines fun after all :-)

  8. The interesting and strage cases that technology brings us...

  9. Definitely agree with you Oliver. And thanks for bringing the topic round to a more savoury one!
