Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Day in the Life of a Law Student

From Lawstudent.tv 15/01/09:

This quirky video was compiled by a US law student who took shots of himself every 30 seconds throughout the day.  Give or take a few I guess.

I can certainly sympathise with the moment he banged his knee and also how tediously long the property lecture seemed.

Oh that takes me back!


  1. Maybe I'm just wierd, but I property lectures tediously long. The lecturer wasn't the most interesting of people, maybe I'm just sad and like property lol.

  2. Tiredness is catching up on me, the comment above should have read:

    Maybe I'm just weird, but I never found property lectures tediously long. The lecturer wasn't the most interesting of people, maybe I'm just sad and like property lol.

  3. Is it me, or was that really boring?

  4. hehe you know this dude has a blog


    is it sad i know that? lol

  5. I didn't know he had a blog, Looney, so thanks for the heads-up.

    Hmm, why is it US blawgers seem to love posting pictures of their dogs (or is that dawgs)??

  6. I could have done one of them.

    It would have featured less lectures, the occasional trip for hot chocolate in the decent cafe on campus, St John meetings, a trip into the library if lucky and much more titting about in the tintaweb.

    Still, I graduated...
