Tuesday 25 August 2009

Special Interest Magazines

Two of the best from Maxim:Attractive Jewish Woman

Got to love it!


  1. HAHA! Excellent M, excellent! I particularly like the psycho ex one. How is the dissertation going?


  2. Glad you liked them CBC - there are some others on the Maxim site that I linked to such as 'Passive Aggressive Boss' and 'Collared Douche'. All great stuff.

    Re. the dissertation, it's virtually done - I'm aiming to get a copy out to my proofreaders by the end of Friday/Saturday and then finish bibliography off. Then I have just over 2 weeks for very minor tweaking before it has to be submitted. It's been an arduous process, that's for sure.

    So, yeah, my student days are most definitely numbered!

  3. Haha, the boss one is good!

    So, what are you going to do after your Masters then?
