I’ve tried to wind down the amount of negative posts in which I bemoan the current dearth of new blogs and general state of the blawgosphere. Still, I might as well say it: 2011 has gotten off to a slow and worrying start for the UK blawgosphere, with activity levels falling to their lowest for perhaps 4 years or so. And this time, I haven’t been the only one to comment on it.
Anyhow, right on cue, I’ve discovered an excellent new bunch of UK law student blogs, which are collectively helping to take up some of the slack. Here’s my take on them.
How to be a bad law student
Created right at the end of 2010, HTBABLS is penned by a 19 year old self-proclaimed day-dreamer, who’s in her first year studying law at uni and freely admits to being ‘very bad’. In quite what sense remains to be seen, but I’ve seen enough of this blog already to realise we’ve a good-un on our hands. More to the point, the author’s got a whole lot of love to give and affectionately finishes each post with a couple of kisses.
Perhaps a little ominously, HTBABLS’ posting habits has been a tad spasmodic, but with healthy dollop of tlc, I’m sure she’ll be around for a long time to come.
Legally Screwed
The rather negatively named Legally Screwed is written by a first year law student with a penchant for large bars of galaxy and bottles of Lucozade, which helps make contending with the day-to-day traumas of studying law that little bit easier.
Besides ‘battling the concrete jungle that is Central London’, LS likes to give out sage and trusty advice for surviving a law degree and is rather sweetly reminiscent of the typical blawg that seemed to be sprouting up every which way a few years ago. There’s a lot of good content well worth a look here, and I look forward to reading more from LS as we’re led on a helter-skelter trip through the trials and tribulations of life at the cutting edge of law school.
Posting frequency looks good, too, so I’d highly recommend adding this one to your blogroll.
Lost Receptionist / lawyerwanna.be
LR has bounded onto the scene with all of the flair and enthusiasm that only a newbie blogger can muster. Artsy, quirky and optimistic, LR has had to recently adjust her posting frequency as she struggles with the workload as a first year law student. Hmmm - we’ve all been there!
A self-styled fashionista, LR frequently posts pictures of herself posing in her latest get-up; it’s certainly a different approach to blawgging but I guess that’s a good thing.
I sense LR has real staying power so I’m optimistic that this one won’t be dropping out of the sphere anytime soon. And that’s great news for all of us!
Look Good Legally
Kate, the author of LGL has been blawging less than a month but is clearly a natural and is already making it look oh-so-easy to keep readers coming back for more. Highly readable and varied posts mean that you never quite know what’s coming next.
I did wonder whether Kate was planning on going head to head with her fellow countrywoman, Andro? Perhaps we could host a live blawg-off between them both later in the year? ;-)
Also like Andro, Kate has her naughty streak and has already developed a habit for blogging from her land law lectures, sharing her nuggets of wisdom with the world.
Whatever Kate’s blawgging plans, the signs for LGL becoming a much-valued member of the blawgosphere are all good so far. Yes, this is the real-deal, folks. You should add Look Good Legally to your blogrolls today!